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How to start a petition

By 5th May 2023 January 11th, 2024 No Comments

Petitions are an effective way to bring attention to important issues and encourage people to take action. By gathering signatures and showing support, a petition can create change and make a difference in the world. You can explore how to open a petition using MyUplift platform here.

MyUplift platform


Step 1: Choose a Cause

The first step in starting a petition is to choose a cause that you’re passionate about. This could be a local or national issue that affects your community, a social justice issue, or an environmental cause for example.


Step 2: Define the Problem

Once you’ve chosen a cause, the next step is to define the problem. This involves identifying what the issue is and why it’s a problem. You can research the issue and gather information from reputable sources to help you define the problem. Be specific and clear about what the problem is and how it’s affecting people.


Step 3: Define the Ask

The ask in a petition is to help you identify the steps you need to take to create change. It outlines the actions that need to be taken and the outcomes you hope to achieve. Your theory of change should be based on evidence and research, and it should be realistic and achievable. You can ask yourself these questions:

What change do I want to see?

What actions do I need to take to achieve that change?

What outcomes do I hope to achieve?

Step 4: Create a Petition

Once you have your cause, problem, and ask in place, it’s time to create your petition. You can navigate to MyUplift and open a petition in a few easy steps. 

Click here to open a petition.

Step 5: Promote Your Petition

Once your petition is live, it’s important to promote it to as many people as possible. Share your petition on social media, send it to your friends and family, and reach out to organisations and groups that might be interested in your cause. Encourage people to sign your petition and share it with their own networks. 

From MyUplift you can share the petition on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and email. You also have the option to collect signatures offline on paper.


Step 6: Deliver Your Petition

Once you’ve gathered enough signatures on your petition, it’s time to deliver it to the decision-makers who can create change. This could be a local government body, a company, or an organisation that has the power to address the issue you’re advocating for. Be sure to follow up with the decision-makers and keep your supporters informed of any progress or changes that are made.



In case of any questions or support about a petition, you can reach out to the Uplift Team – we are more than happy to assist and offer assistance. 


So, are you ready to start a petition now?

Start a petition