CampaignNewsNews Update

Getting organised locally around the National Maternity Hospital

By 23rd March 2022 January 11th, 2024 No Comments
A screenshot of Dr. Peter Boylan beside images of a march, a newspaper ad, news headlines and a graph related to a public and secular National Maternity Hospital

As a community, we’ve long fought to keep our National Maternity Hospital public and secular. We’ve built a massive petition, marched in the streets, emailed and called politicians, paid for legal advice, public opinion polls and newspaper ads.

You can read all about that in our blog here

Our best chance of stopping our new National Maternity Hospital ending up in the hands of a private company controlled by Catholic teaching – is to get face to face with politicians. They’ll have to respond or risk losing votes. 

That’s why last week as a community, Uplift members and Dr. Peter Boylan had a Zoom event where we talked about how to make sure we all stay connected as we get organised locally and campaign locally around the National Maternity Hospital.

If you missed the training – don’t worry about it! You can find the relevant resources below.

  1. Recording of the video here 
  2. Slides from the training here 

If we can demonstrate our people-power locally, the more impact on the new National Maternity Hospital we’ll have. So, over the next few weeks local meetings and events will be organized. 

Making sure our local politicians understand that a secular public hospital is a priority for voters is the best hope we have of winning.

Local action groups are forming, and below is a list of all the events targeting local politicians. If you want to step up and lead your local action, get in touch by emailing [email protected].  (Note: the dates in the below events are sample dates, and they are movable depending on the local action group!)

Join your local event below!