
News Update

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Hope in the dark

“Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.”  Through the shelter of each other, people survive. - Old Irish Proverb It’s become a bit of a cliché to say that we’re living in unsettling and unprecedented times. We’re facing a second wave of the virus that has upended many of…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
22nd October 2020
CampaignNews Update

Anti-Racism and Allyship

Uplift members are a broad community - we come from all walks of life and all sorts of places. Some of us have experienced the harsh effects of racism firsthand, others are powerful and thoughtful allies and some are taking the first steps in their anti-racism journey.  We know that…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
6th August 2020
CampaignNews Update

How do we stay safe online?

We’re spending more time online than ever before - it’s our parish hall, marketplace and a way for us to stay connected with the news, our friends and our families. But big technology companies like Facebook and Google are making their own rules about what they can do online. Our…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
6th August 2020
News Update

Full Time Campaigner Role with Uplift

  PLEASE NOTE The recruitment window for this position is now closed and we are no longer accepting applications. ____________________________________________________________________________   With over 260,000 members Uplift is now Ireland’s largest people-powered progressive campaigning organisation. Our power comes from our ability to grow, engage and mobilise members to take action together…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
25th May 2020
News Update

April Update

April has been huge for our community. We’ve achieved a lot together in tough times - so here’s a round up of some highlights, so you don’t miss anything.  Thousands of us contributed to creating the People’s Programme for Government - our community’s priorities for the next government. To make…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
12th May 2020
News Update

MyUplift Petitions

MyUplift is a campaigning and petition platform hosted by digital campaigning community Uplift. Uplift is not a neutral organisation - as a progressive community, we campaign together for a more fair, equal and just Ireland. You can read more about our values here: Campaigns that are started on MyUplift…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
23rd April 2020
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