
News Update

CampaignNewsNews Update

We fought for democracy and won!

At the height of the pandemic, when many felt powerless - we came together to protect our local communities. Local County and City Councils make lots of important decisions about what happens in our counties - everything from how many public homes get built, to how parks and wildlife are…
Alex Barton
29th July 2021
News Update

How do you talk to your loves ones about vaccines?

Have you heard a loved one spout a conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 vaccine lately? If so, you're not alone. According to The Centre for Countering Digital Hate, Anti-Vaxx influencers are 500% more effective at recruitment via social media that their pro-science counterparts. Many of our loved ones are being…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
16th July 2021
CampaignNewsNews Update

Supertrawlers: We made a splash in the EU

We’re winning! 🐬 After years of hard work from campaigners like you, this month  EU fishing rules have been overhauled and plans to put CCTV cameras on-board Supertrawlers have been voted through. Supertrawlers with huge nets are hoovering up fish and killing dolphins and whales off the coast of Ireland.…
Alex Barton
31st March 2021
CampaignNewsNews Update

People power is pushing back on CETA

CETA is a dangerous deal that threatens democracy and puts the interests of big business before the interests of people, our health and environment. The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), also known as the Canada-EU trade deal, is a gift to corporate investors and a threat to democracy. CETA signs…
Alex Barton
10th March 2021
NewsNews Update

Meeting Norma Foley to talk Sex Ed

Last week, we were invited to a last minute meeting with Minister for Education, Norma Foley, to talk about the people-powered submission on Sex Education that more than 880 of us put together. But there was a catch - members couldn’t attend. She might have seen the ad that Uplift…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
18th February 2021
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