
News Update

CampaignNewsNews Update

The fight for nature

Great news for nature! The Nature Restoration Law is continuing on its path to becoming law and it is largely thanks to Uplift members taking action. Over a year ago the EU Commission introduced the Nature Restoration Law. It represents an attempt by the EU Commission to halt and reverse…
Saoirse McHugh
24th July 2023
CampaignNewsNews Update

Our Submission to The Citizens’ Assembly on Drug Use

Introduction  Earlier this year a Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use was established to consider the legislative process, policy, and operational changes Ireland could make to significantly reduce the harmful impacts of illicit drugs on individuals, families, communities, and wider Irish society. Uplift welcomed the opportunity to engage in the process…
Alex Barton
29th June 2023
CampaignNewsNews UpdateTraining

How to start a petition

Petitions are an effective way to bring attention to important issues and encourage people to take action. By gathering signatures and showing support, a petition can create change and make a difference in the world. You can explore how to open a petition using MyUplift platform here.   Step 1:…
Jacob Sosinsky
5th May 2023
2023 member survey image NewsNews Update

Results of our Member Survey 2023

This is what you said in our Member Survey 2023: Uplift gives ordinary people across Ireland the opportunity to work together to make an extraordinary difference in so many ways.  We come from different walks of life and experience life in different ways - but what brings us together is…
Jacob Sosinsky
6th April 2023
CampaignNewsNews Update

Uplift’s People Powered Forest

Welcome to Uplift's People-Powered Forest News Update Blog March 2023: We are very excited to share the good news that our second people-powered forest has been planted. With spring here and the temperatures warming up, last weekend Uplift members were busy putting all our trees in the ground.   Thanks…
Alex Barton
13th March 2023
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