
News Update

News Update

April Update

April has been huge for our community. We’ve achieved a lot together in tough times - so here’s a round up of some highlights, so you don’t miss anything.  Thousands of us contributed to creating the People’s Programme for Government - our community’s priorities for the next government. To make…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
12th May 2020
News Update

MyUplift Petitions

MyUplift is a campaigning and petition platform hosted by digital campaigning community Uplift. Uplift is not a neutral organisation - as a progressive community, we campaign together for a more fair, equal and just Ireland. You can read more about our values here: Campaigns that are started on MyUplift…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
23rd April 2020
News Update

COVID-19 & 5G conspiracy theories

If you suspect something you’re reading on the internet, social media or on a messaging app such as WhatsApp is digital disinformation (fake news) ie. not true, you can check it at or Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, unfounded conspiracy theories linking the virus to 5G…
Alex Barton
21st April 2020
News Update

The People’s Programme For Government

About Uplift Uplift is a people-powered campaigning community made up of 250,000 people across the island of Ireland who take coordinated action for progressive social change. Our core values are environmental sustainability, deep and transparent democracy, social justice and equality. Uplift members come from every town and province - from…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
16th April 2020
signs with messages of solidarity for workers, nurses and asylum seekers CoronavirusNews Update

How to Talk About COVID-19

Update: 15th of April 2020 As the storyteller Alice Sachrajda says, the COVID-19 pandemic can be thought of like a story-book. As with every story we have a beginning, middle and end - we have a protagonist, we have a villain, and a big challenge that we must overcome. Originally,…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
20th March 2020
News Update

I’m Voting For Homes

We've created a scorecard for parties based on how they voted across 5 key Uplift housing campaign asks since 2016. All the information we used, including the vote record, further reading and the Uplift campaign ask can be found here.  Uplift members have been campaigning hard for progressive housing and…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
5th February 2020
News Update

Money Message Research

Uplift has commissioned research into the 'Money Message', used to block bills from becoming law. The Fine Gael-led Government has used a previously obscure parliamentary device known as a Money Message to prevent 51 Private Members' Bills from becoming law. These are Bills that were passed by a majority of…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
5th February 2020
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