


The People’s Programme for Government

  Our People’s Programme for Government Uplift regularly uses surveys to poll members on key issues that affect their lives. While COVID-19 has presented huge challenges to most people in Ireland, members are also looking beyond the end of this crisis – to the new Ireland that can emerge. The…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
28th April 2020

Glyphosate in our Bodies – Press Conference

On March 19th Uplift will release the results of our glyphosate testing experiment and Darina Allen has agreed to speak at a press conference. Confirmed: Glyphosate is in our bodies. We’ve tested politicians, breastfeeding mothers, a doctor and top chef Darina Allen. And everyone has tested positive for cancer-linked glyphosate…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
3rd March 2020

A curriculum fit for the last century

The last changes made to the current sex and relationship curriculum in Ireland took place in 1999. Since this time, the population has increased by over 1 million people, four Taoiseachs have been in power, social media was invented and the school population has increased to its highest numbers since…
Alex Barton
8th November 2019
Uplift members Dave and Rachel delivering our petition on sex Education reform to the Department of Education Campaign

Reform Sex Education Survey – Have Your Say!

Regardless of where we come from or what we believe, it is safe to say that all people in Ireland agree that young people should be safe from school yard bullying, grow up informed about their own bodies and with an understanding about healthy relationships.  That’s why we’re on the…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
2nd August 2019

Keep Sruthan House Open

Sruthan House, located in Dundalk Co. Louth, provides a vital respite service for people with physical and/or sensory disabilities. It is run by the HSE in partnership with the Irish Wheelchair Association. The centre provides twenty four hour respite care to both males and females aged 18 – 65 years…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
31st July 2019

Campaign: Keep Clare Bus in Clare!

Reverse the decision of the National Transport Authority to transfer the Clare-TCU to West-Limerick Why is this important? Clare-TCU is the office where local dispatchers take calls for bookings, who know where all our regular passengers are based. We have 16 years’ experience of delivering a flexible and fully accessible…
Brian Cuthbert
14th May 2019

Campaign: The People’s Housing Plan

Most of us can agree that having a stable and secure home in which to live is the most important foundation on which we build our lives. But today in Ireland, the possibility of having a secure home to live in,  is slipping further and further from the grasp of…
Alex Barton
14th May 2019
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