#FairPlayOrNoPlay – Protect GAA Referees

We love our games, but no referees means no games. That's why we're calling for a #FairPlayOrNoPlay approach to players', managers' and spectators' interactions with our referees. If you can't cop on with a ref, you've no business on the pitch or in the ground. We're asking GAA President Larry…
1st September 2022


Gaffs for All Petition: Support the ten key policies that can fix this crisis We call on the Government to immediately implement the following ten key policies to solve the housing crisis - which is an emergency: 1. Make housing a human right: Hold a referendum to put the right…
Brian Cuthbert
13th July 2022

Stop Live Export!

Stop the cruel and unnecessary export of live farm animals to countries with appalling animal welfare standards! Long distance transport has a detrimental impact on the health and welfare of animals. As a first step the Minister needs to end live exports outside the EU, excluding Northern Ireland and Britain.
19th May 2022

Protect all people fleeing war

The European Council of Ministers are voting tomorrow on a directive on the temporary protection of Ukrainian refugees. We want our Ministers at the meeting to urgently endorse this directive and simplify the procedures for all people fleeing war, regardless of their nationality, skin colour, gender identity or sexual identity.
2nd March 2022

Ban the use of toxic weed killer Glyphosate

Ban the use of Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, that is poisonous to humans, wildlife and the environment. Don’t renew the license when asked to vote on it in 2023.
1st August 2021

Stop Investors Buying Our Homes

Stop global investment funds buying up entire estates and apartment blocks, depriving families and people of homes, and driving up prices. 1. Scrap investor tax breaks - scrap REIT tax 2. Impose investor tax of 50% on profits 3. Restrict sale of new developments to individual home buyers & not…
6th May 2021

Rise Up Against Men’s Violence Towards Women

As a society, we need to face up to the reality that male violence against women is an endemic problem. Listen to victims and survivors, reform the law courts, overhaul policing, reform our sex education curriculum and stop the objectification of women in the media. More than anything, the state…
14th March 2021

It’s Time to Legislate for Assisted Dying

Make it legal for a medical practitioner to assist a person with a terminal or incurable and progressive illness which cannot be reversed by treatment. People should have the Right to choose the manner in which they die and to do so in a peaceful and dignified manner. Leo Varadkar…
30th September 2020
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