Monthly Archives

February 2020


Votes For Homes

We've created a scorecard for parties based on how they voted across 5 key Uplift housing campaign asks since 2016. All the information we used, including the vote record, further reading and the Uplift campaign ask can be found here.  Uplift members have been campaigning hard for progressive housing and…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
5th February 2020
News Update

I’m Voting For Homes

We've created a scorecard for parties based on how they voted across 5 key Uplift housing campaign asks since 2016. All the information we used, including the vote record, further reading and the Uplift campaign ask can be found here.  Uplift members have been campaigning hard for progressive housing and…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
5th February 2020
News Update

Money Message Research

Uplift has commissioned research into the 'Money Message', used to block bills from becoming law. The Fine Gael-led Government has used a previously obscure parliamentary device known as a Money Message to prevent 51 Private Members' Bills from becoming law. These are Bills that were passed by a majority of…
Siobhán O'Donoghue
5th February 2020